Dr. Faisal Hamed Al-Refaei

On behalf of the Dasman Diabetes Institute, we are excited to invite you to the 1st International Dasman Diabetes Institute Summit (IDDS) on Advanced Diabetes Care 2025. This high-level conference, to be held at the Waldorf Astoria Kuwait, aims to bring together leading international speakers and experts in the field of diabetes care to Kuwait.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and integrated conference covering all aspects of diabetes, including pathogenesis, prevention, innovative treatments, and management of complications. The summit will offer an excellent platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and industry leaders.

We invite you to join us in this endeavor and explore sponsorship opportunities that will not only enhance your brand visibility but also contribute to the advancement of diabetes care in Kuwait and beyond.

Dr. Faisal Hamed Al-Refaei

Acting Director General.
Dasman Diabetes Institute.

Our Committee

Organizing Committee

Dr. Faisal Hamed Al-Refaei
Conference Chairperson
Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla
Conference Co-Chair
Dr. Muneera Alarouj
Dr. Abdullah Bennakhi
Dr. Fahad Al Ajmi
Dr. Mohamed Abu-Farha
Dr. Ebaa Alozairi

Event Schedule


Theme: Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Therapy of T2DM

08:00AM - 08:30AM
08:30AM - 09:45AM
Understanding the Pathophysiological Mechanisms Behind Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Prof. Ralph DeFronzo
09:45AM - 10:45AM
Prediabetes: Diagnosis, Risk, and Prevention
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Ghani
10:45AM - 11:00AM
Coffee Break
11:00AM - 11:45AM
Obesity: Pathophysiology
Prof. Jens Holst
11:45PM - 12:15PM
GLP1- RA in Diabetes Treatment
Dr. Thamer Al-Essa
12:15PM - 12:45PM
History and Update of Diabetes Guidelines
Prof. Guntram Schernthaner
12:45PM - 01:45PM
Lunch Break
01:45PM - 02:15PM
Updates on Gestational Diabetes
Prof. Mustafa Kanat
02:15PM - 03:00PM
Diabetic Nephropathy
Prof. Ralph DeFronzo
03:00PM - 03:45PM
Cardiovascular Disease in T2DM
Prof. Stefano DelPrato
03:45PM - 04:15PM
Dyslipidemia and Lipid Management in T2DM
Dr. Mohamed Abu-Farha
04:15PM - 04:30PM
Coffee Break
04:30PM - 05:15PM
Approach to Type 2 Diabetes Therapy
Prof. Dr. Amin Jayyousi
05:15PM - 06:00PM
Type 1 Diabetes and Obesity
Dr. Ebaa Alozairi


Theme: Prediabetes and Treatment Innovations

12:00PM - 01:00PM
01:00PM - 01:15PM
Opening Remarks

Session - 1 (Plenary Lecture 1)

Session Chair: Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla
01:15PM - 02:00PM
Type 2 Diabetes: Treat to Fail or Treat to Succeed?
Prof. Ralph DeFronzo

Session - 2 (Plenary Lecture 2)

Session Chair: Dr. Fahad AlAjmi
02:00PM - 02:45PM
Prediabetes: Diagnosis and Management
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Ghani
02:45PM - 03:00PM
Coffee & Prayer Break

Session - 3 (Plenary Lecture 3)

Session Chair: Dr. Suleiman Al-Sabah
03:00PM - 03:45PM
The Elephant in the Room - Obesity Management: Lifestyle, Pharmacotherapy, or Surgery?
Prof. Jens Holst

Session - 4 (Plenary Lecture 4)

Session Chair: Dr. Naela Almazedi
03:45PM - 04:15PM
Is There Still Place for Old Agents in T2DM Management: Metformin, SU, and DPP-4 Inhibitors
Prof. Ele Ferrannini

Session - 5 (Plenary Lecture 5)

Session Chair: Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla
04:15PM - 04:45PM
Recent Developments in Insulin Analogues
Prof. Stefano Del Prato
04:45PM - 05:00PM
Coffee Break

Session - 6 (Plenary Lecture 6)

Session Chair: Dr. Mohamed Abu-Farha
05:00PM - 05:30PM
Updates on MAFLD epidemiology and Treatment
Dr. Zobair M Younossi
05:30PM - 06:05PM
Diamond Symposium
06:05PM - 07:30PM
Networking Dinner


Theme: Diabetes Subtypes and Complications

Session - 7 (Type 1 Diabetes)

Session Chair: Dr. Fahd Al Ajmi, Dr. Dherar M. Alroudhan
09:00AM - 09:30AM
Type 1 Diabetes: Novel Pharmacotherapy
Dr. Fahad Al Ajmi
09:30AM - 09:50AM
Type 1 Diabetes: Novel Therapies
Dr. Abdulmohsen Bakhsh
09:50AM - 10:10AM
Coffee Break

Session - 8 (Incretins)

Session Chair: Dr. Mohamed Abu-Farha, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Ghani
10:10AM - 10:30AM
Tails of peptide ligands at the GLP-1 and GIP receptors.
Dr. Suleiman Al-Sabah
10:30AM - 10:50AM
GLP-1 RA, Past, Present, and Future
Prof. Jens Holst
10:50AM - 11:10AM
Oral GLP1 Agonists, Peptides, and Small Molecules
Prof. Jens Holst
11:10AM - 11:25AM
Coffee Break

Session - 9 (Diabetes Management Parenthesis)

Session Chair: Dr. Abdul Nabi Alatar, Dr. Mohammad Shehab
11:25AM - 11:55AM
Different Type 1 Diabetes Endotype: Relivence to Immunotherapy
Prof. Paolo Pozzilli
11:55AM - 12:25PM
SGLT2i: Are They Diabetes Agents or Cardio-Renal Drugs?
Prof. Ele Ferrannini
12:25PM - 12:55PM
Is There a Role for TZDs in Diabetes Management?
Prof. Ralph DeFronzo
12:55PM - 01:25PM
Molecular Mechanism of TZD: PPARγ agonist or MPC inhibitor
Dr. Luke Norton
01:25PM - 02:20PM
Lunch Break

Session - 10 (Diabetes and Its Complications)

Session Chair: Dr. Muath Alanbaei, Dr. Mohammed Qaddoumi
02:20PM - 02:40PM
Diabetes Management in Ramadan
Dr. Mohamed Hassanein
02:40PM - 03:10PM
Update on PVD and Diabetic Foot in T2DM
Prof. Guntram Schernthaner
03:10PM - 03:40PM
A New Cause of Diabetes That Effects ~1.25 Million Americans: Who Would have Thought
Prof. Ralph DeFronzo
03:40PM - 04:00PM
The Cardiorenal Syndrome
Prof. Mehmet Agirbasli
04:00PM - 04:20PM
Type 2 diabetes remission: fact or utopia?
Prof. Stefano Del Prato
04:20PM - 04:35PM
Coffee & Prayer Break

Session - 11 (Other Forms of Diabetes)

Session Chair: Dr. Hessa Alkandri
04:35PM - 04:55PM
Genetics and Atypical Forms of Diabetes
Prof. Fahd Al-Mulla
04:55PM - 05:25PM
Pathways to Advanced Diagnosis and Therapeutic Innovation: Dysregulated Small RNAs in Diabetes
Prof. Hamad Yaseen Ali

Session - 12 (Case Study)

05:25PM - 06:05PM
Case Presentations and Q & A:
Prof. Muhammed Abdul-Ghani, Prof. Stefano Del Prato
06:05PM - 06:40PM
Diamond Symposium
06:40PM - 07:50PM
Closing Remark & Dinner


Registration for this event is now closed!!

Conference Support

For Registration Support, WhatsApp :- +965-65084326


Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


Waldorf Astoria, Kuwait

Our Address:
  • Address: 1873 Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Rd, Kuwait, 92000
  • Phone: +2477 4444

Conference Support

For Registration Support, WhatsApp :- +965-65084326